OmniFocus, 2Do, and Todoist comparison (2)- 2Do

During my to-do list app searching, 2Do is my favorite one. This app initially developed for iOS, and this is the best thing about this app. You can manage your to-do list on your smartphone without a computer, as it was designed for that purpose. Other than that, there is one essential functionality that the OmniFocus has never had so far: Action.

When you plan to call your mom for something at a specific time, you can just create a task and pick up the action: call. You can either choose a phone number from your contacts or type in. You don’t need to leave the app to make a phone call; instead, you can click the green bottom. This function is also available for some other todo list apps (e.g., Appigo Todo), but 2do make this function looks great.

Another thing that I like the most is the pricing strategy. The starting price of 2do for iOS was $6.99, and the company provides discount periodically. I got the iOS version for $2.99. This is not the best part. The best thing is that they NEVER ask for an upgrade fee.  Instead, they increase the price of the app with the improvement of the functionality. I consider that this is an appreciation for the loyal customers who were willing to support them in the very beginning.  The iOS version is now free for download. If you want the pro version (you will!), you can get it from in-app purchase for $19.99. For the Mac version, it is $49.99 now (the lowest price was $14.99), and I got it for $24.99. Since they always provide discount every couple months ( especially Thanksgiving and Christmas), I highly recommend that you should wait for the discount if you are not in hurry.

Now I would like to start the cons of this app:

  1. For Apple and Andriod users only. 2Do has the similar issue as the OmniFocus: it is limited to specific platforms. 2DO provide solutions for Windows and other Unix-like OS users, which is Email to 2Do, years after the first release of this app. With this function, you can designate an Email account which their server should catch todo tasks for you (left figure). And then you can decide what types of Email should be caught as a task(right figure). You can even use the subject line of the Email to assign tags, lists, actions, etc, for that task. In the beginning, I was very excited about this function. With this function, I can email to myself to create a task from a Windows computer. For example, if I want to create a task while I am working on a Windows computer, and can send an Email to a designated account with title “todo: call mom list(Personal) due(today) tag(Home) action(call, 8008888888)”. However, I realized (you probably also noticed) that it is still too complex since I need to type a lot of (correct) information in order to put the task in the correct place.

2. There is no For Web version. This is the biggest issue in my opinion. A Web version would make this app perfect. However, it took the developer of this app (I believe that there is only one developer for this app) years to build for Mac version and Android version, and I don’t think that he is planning to build and maintain a Web server.

3. Limited file attachment options. Only voice memo and photos could be really attached to the task. Although you can attach file-link to a task, it is not that convenient in some circumstances. Especially when you work on different devices frequently, and the file is for only one-time use (in that case you don’t want to waste your time putting it on your cloud drive, creating the link, and deleting it after using it).

I think that 2Do works for people who :

  1. manage their to-do list on a tablet (a phone screen is too small for me). If you have a tablet which you can access all the time, I think 2Do is for you. It is powerful, beautiful, and the price is also affordable. For Mac version of this app is not necessary but a plus.
  2. consider beautiful User Interface is a MUST. 

To conclude, 2Do will be the best to-do list app if it has a For Web version, period. 

OmniFocus, 2Do, and Todoist comparison (1)- OmniFocus

After reading the book Get Things Done, I started to apply the GTD concept in my life. I tried different Apps to help me during the past few years and ended up with Todoist. OmniFocus, 2Do, and Todoist are the three that I used the most. These apps have their advantages, and many websites have introduced them with beautiful demo pictures. Here I just want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three apps from my point of view and hopefully can help some people who are looking for todo list apps.

Let me start with OmniFocus: OmniFocus is a popular to-do list apps with a long history. I had used Omnifocus 1, and I also purchased OmniFocus 2. They recently deputed OmniFocus 3 for iOS. The advantage of this app is that it is robust and highly customizable. Their official website has detailed instructions to help everyone “quickly” get started with this app. you can also find many Pro website teaching you how to write AppleScript to automate some of your workflows. There are also websites to provide a variety of themes so that the entire software interface looks better for your taste.

Below I list the reasons why I think this software is not good for me:

1. This software was first developed only on MacOS. The earliest Omnifocus was only available for Mac, and later for iOS, and is currently under development for the Web version. This is the biggest problem in my opinion. Because they first made a computer version of the software interface, the whole program is designed for the interface of a computer. For their iOS version, the concept of the design makes me feel that it should be used to assist the Mac version (not a standalone app). Nowadays, everyone is using handheld devices to handle their todo list. You will find that it is difficult to create and manage the to-do list on your smartphone. You need the Mac version.

2. Another big problem is that the OmniFocus is currently available only on the Mac and iOS system.  Microsft Windows computers can’t run it, and this excludes 90% of computer users from this powerful tool. The Web version is still under construction, and I would say that it will take another good year (if not two) before it becomes useful.  Although they currently have some solutions for people who use both Windows and Mac systems, I am very dissatisfied with its functionality (too complicated). I believe most of the users will feel the same.

3. This software is not cheap. At the current update speed, they release paid upgrade about every four to six years. For Mac version, there are regular and professional versions, for $39.99/$79.99, respectively. The upgrading fee from an old version is $19.99. /$39.99. For iOS versions are also regular and professional versions, for $39.99/$59.99, respectively.  The upgrading fee from an old version is $19.99/$29.99. In the future, the Omnifocus For Web will require an additional monthly fee. I don’t think the price for that would be low.

4. The learning curve is steep. I consider myself is a person who loves to play with computer software. However, although I spent a significant amount of time on OmniFocus, I still don’t master this software! It makes me wonder whether I am playing this software, or I really use it as a tool to improve productivity.

I think that the OmniFocus works for people who :

  • rely on Apple products for both personal life and work
  • use a computer as the primary tool for handling to-do items
  • are Willing to spend time tweaking the software

Omnifocus, 2Do, Todoist 三款待辦事項軟體的比較 – Omnifocus 篇

自從讀了Get Things Done這本書後,我試著用了幾款不同的todo軟體,希望藉由GTD系統幫我處理生活工作的大小事其中用的最久的三款就是Omnifocus、2Do、Todoist。這幾款軟體各有各的好處,很多中英文網站都有介紹過。我想要從我的觀點來討論一下這三款軟體的優缺點。


先從比較早就被我淘汰的Omnifocus開始:Omnifocus 算是一款老字號的待辦事項軟體,我在Omnifocus 1的時候就已經接觸它,Omnifocus 2也買來用了,這款的優點就是功能強大,自訂性強。他們官方網站有詳細的說明書幫大家”快速”上手這款軟體。網路上也有很多進階的教學文,例如如何寫程式(applescript)來自動化一些工作流程還有網站提供各樣的佈景主題,讓整個軟體介面看起來更符合你的口味。


1.  此軟體最早只在MacOS 上開發。最早Omnifocus只有for Mac版,後來才出了for iOS,最近正在完善for Web的版本。這也是我認為Omnifocus問題最大的地方。因為他們是先做了電腦版的軟體介面,所以整個程式是以如何在電腦這個介面下最好操作為考量來設計的,所以他們的for iOS版本,設計的概念就讓人感覺是用來輔助for Mac 版本。現在大家都是以手持裝置為主力的情況下,這樣的產品讓大多數的人用起來都不習慣。

2.   另一個大問題是他們目前只有for Mac 和 for iOS版本,所以Windows 電腦無法直接使用,直接把90% Windows電腦使用者排除在外。正在開發的Web版本也不知道要何年何月才會完工。以他們開發的速度,我認為一兩年內Web版不會完成。雖然他們目前有提供同時使用windows與Mac系統的人一些解決方案,但是我試過後非常不滿意(太複雜),相信大多數的使用者也會有同感。

3.  這個軟體不便宜,以目前他們更新版本的速度,大約是四到六年會要求使用者付費升級For Mac 版本有普通版和專業版兩種價格,要$39.99/$79.99,舊版升級要$19.99/$39.99。For iOS 版本也有普通版和專業版兩種價格,要$39.99/$59.99,舊版升級要$19.99/$29.99。未來For Web 正式上線也會需要額外付月費,我想價格也不會便宜。

4.  這個軟體的上手速度太慢,有很長的學習期。我自認是一個愛摸索軟體的人,可是Omnifocus花了我很多時間,我還是無法百分百發揮這個軟體的全部價值!讓我搞不清楚我是在玩這個軟體,還是真拿它當增加生產力的工具。


  1. 一般生活與工作都是以 Apple產品為主力
  2. 主要處理待辦事項的工具是電腦
  3. 對於軟體自定性有執著,且願意花時間調校摸索


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你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信。這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的; 也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇    – 以弗所書 2:8-9
















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